We attended the first major synth show in Norwich!

Synth East is a brand new show from the mind of Source Distribution friend Robin Vincent (also know as Molten Modular), which took place in March and was an amazing event to attend.
A mixture of gear, performances and good old “synth-chat” is the best way to describe Synth East, we had the pleasure of exhibiting something from all of our incredible synthesizer brands: Arturia, Moog, ASM, PWM and Expressive E – we even had the pleasure of showing off the Eventide H90!

There were excellent performances throughout the event from Steve Davis, Gaz Williams, Look Mum No Computer, Finlay Shakespeare, Nik Colk Void and more…oh and Robin himself!
Thank you so much to everyone who attended and came to check out the gear! We can’t wait to see what next years event holds.